Mommy and Me

EVerything, right here in your arms

This magical feeling

Yes, it's messy and loud most of the time but wow is it amazing. And that's why Mommy and Me sessions will always hold a special place in my heart.

And let's face it. Moms are hardly ever in the pictures. I believe in treating yourself to these precious (and sometimes chaotic) moments in time. Becuase, it doesn't matter if they are 2 weeks old of 16 years, they will always be your babies.

Featured Work

Skin to Skin Sessions

A Mohter's touch:

I've had multiple mothers ask me to skin to skin in their Mommy and Me sessions. But there's also a good chance when you are feeding your baby during the session (no matter how), I will ask if you'd like me to capture these beautiful moments as you are creating this special bond.

It's heartwarming to witness a baby becoming more relaxed, their tiny boy snuggled close into their mother's warmth, and Mom's eyes shining with love and pride as she gazes back down.

Please know that this can be a major focus in the session, or just a portion. Either way, if you are comfortable - you will not regret it.